Sunday, May 12, 2013

Life is a cruel thing, you don’t choose to be born, no-one asks you if you want to live, you don’t receive a letter asking if you want to be thrown into the world to go to school then find a job then be expected to find a partner and have a family to end up alone in a coffin six feet under, maybe if we did receive that letter a lot of us would not be here.  

People spend their whole lives working to try and to be like everybody else, to fit in, and follow all the social rules that are burned into our brains from the moment were born, everything now revolves around who has the biggest house, the best car, the latest phone and even what clothes you wear. Being alive doesn’t even mean living any more it means following the crowd like a blind sheep and never stopping to ask why we’re doing all of this for fear of being called crazy or different, lost are the days when being different or thinking for yourself made a difference it would even make people respect you more.

People always say you can be anything but to be honest, you can’t, you can be what your parents can afford at what your teachers think is appropriate for you to be, you might be the best footballer in the world but if your parents can’t afford for you to go to football classes or if your teacher  thinks your grades show that you would be a good plumber that’s what you’ll be, why can’t we be judged on our passion and determination instead of our bank accounts and how fast we can do an equation if you don’t want to be a mathematician who cares if you know how to use a protractor or not?

I feel like the world needs a wakeup call, if you don’t like your job because your boss is a dick or you always want to do something else then do it quit your job follow your dreams I’m pretty sure anyone would be happier living in a small flat with a crap phone and old car waking up every morning doing what they love than waking up every day hating there job but being able to buy all the stuff we have convinced ourselves we need to survive.

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